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  • Organic Skincare

  • Body & Bath

  • February 02, 2018 3 min read

    Shopping for beauty and personal products? These are just some of the toxins you want to avoid in your skincare at all costs! 

    Beware of toxins in your skincare
    In 2004, researchers found 400 neurotoxins and other chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. These substances can be passed from the mother to the fetus and may stay in your system for years. Even if you are not pregnant or planning to be, this study is a startling wake up call about how toxins enter and say in our bodies.

    Some of the easiest ways to avoid unnecessary toxins is to clean up your diet and switch to organic makeup and skin care products. Start reading ingredient lists, and be aware of green-washing (when a company or organisation spends significant time and money on marketing themselves as environmentally friendly and toxin-free when in fact their ingredient list and practices are anything but).

    Keep your eyes out for the following nasties lurking in your personal and skincare products - they are still too often used!

    Parabens are widely used preservatives that possess estrogen-mimicking properties that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Although used less often now due to general awareness, you still need to be conscious and check.
    Phenoxyethanol is a synthetic preservative commonly used as a paraben substitute in commercial skincare that has been associated with reproductive disruption and genetic mutation in mice.
    What does fragrance mean to you? Sadly, chances are it is far scarier when listed on a cosmetic ingredient than you may think. It is a term that was created to protect a company’s “secret formula,” but as a consumer, these kinds of smoke and mirrors should ring a big alarm bell. Quite simply, you could be putting on a concoction that contains tons of chemicals that are hazardous to your health. Just stay away from anything with the word fragrance and be safe.
    You’ll see this group of chemicals used in hundreds of products. The main ones used in cosmetics and personal care products are dibutyl phthalate in nail polish, diethyl phthalate in perfumes and lotions, and dimethyl phthalate in hair spray. They are known to be endocrine disruptors and have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, early breast development in girls, and reproductive birth defects in males and females.
    Mineral oil
    The fact that mineral oil is derived from petroleum is alarming enough, but there is also inconclusive data surrounding the safety of mineral oils, including the highly refined used in cosmetics. It is also known to clog pores. Use organic, nourishing plant oils instead; they have a natural synergy with the makeup of skin.
    Triclosan is a widely used antimicrobial chemical that’s a known endocrine disruptor. Commonly used in antibacterial soaps and wipes, there is concern that triclosan contributes to making bacteria antibiotic-resistant. It can also be found in toothpaste and deodorants.
    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
    (SLS)/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
    It is alarming how commonly this is used. Found in a huge percentage of personal care and cleaning products, this foaming agent is considered a skin irritant and carcinogen. It is known to cause skin rashes and allergic reactions and is absorbed into the body via skin application and mimics the activity of estrogen. SLS is often disguised in “natural” products with the term “derived from coconut.” SLSs are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants. In addition to products that obviously foam, you want to check your mascara and acne treatment for SLS, as it is often used in both.
    Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives (FRPs) are commonly found in nail products and many cosmetic products to help prevent bacteria growth. This chemical was deemed as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Carcinogens (IARC). Enough said.
    Another petrochemical derived from petroleum or coal tar sources, toluene is often used in nail polishes and removers as well as hair color/bleaching products. Toluene can affect the respiratory system, cause nausea and irritate skin. You may see it on labels listed as benzene, toluol, phenylmethane, or methylbenzene.
     In-da-ga-re means 'to investigate' in Latin. Whether you are looking for green beauty solutions or not, we passionately encourage you to do your own investigations into products you put in your body and on your skin.

    Our beauty elixirs are crafted in small batches from predominantly certified organic ingredients and are formulated to truly nourish your skin, naturally. If you aren't using a face oil yet, pop on over here and read about why your skin has a natural affinity with oils ... you'll soon see why face oils have become a must-have skincare product for everybody from celebrities to models and us mere mortals!